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Lines 1-595Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Lines 1-133 Summary

Set during the ninth year of the Trojan war, play opens outside Ajax’s tent in the Greek camp. Athena speaks first, addressing Odysseus, who is searching for Ajax and wants Athena’s guidance. The Greeks have discovered their herds slaughtered and suspect Ajax. Athena tells Odysseus that she is always watching over him and reveals that Ajax is responsible for the slaughter. He was angry over “the arms of Achilles” and believed he was killing the Greeks, but Athena deluded him (48). He is back in his tent torturing sheep and cows that he believes are Greek warriors, including Odysseus.

Athena tells Odysseus that she will call Ajax to come out, but Odysseus does not want to see his enemy in his maddened state. Athena insists, ordering Odysseus not to be cowardly and to remain quiet. Ajax comes out and thanks Athena for standing by him. She asks him not to torture Odysseus (who Ajax believes is tied up inside his tent), but he tells her “nothing will stop him from receiving this punishment” (51). After he returns to his tent, Odysseus expresses his pity for Ajax, recognizing that it could happen to himself as well. Athena orders him to remember what he has seen and never boast and remain temperate, a quality the gods love. 

Lines 134-332 Summary

Athena and Odysseus exit, and the Chorus enter. They sing of the rumors flying around about Ajax that he slaughtered the herds, urging him to defend himself against this slander and mockery. Tecmessa enters and informs the Chorus that Ajax has been struck mad. The Chorus sings that Ajax will be executed and themselves with him, if they stay.

Tecmessa informs them that Ajax is sane again, which brings even more pain since he no longer feels the pleasure he did while gripped with delusion. They ask her what happened, and she tells them that Ajax went out in the dead of night and returned with bulls, dogs, and sheep. Some he butchered; others he tied up and tortured, thinking “they were men, not livestock” (55). When he came to his senses, he demanded Tecmessa tell him what happened. Fearful of what he might do, she told him, and he wept, refusing food and drink. She begs the Chorus to help him.

Lines 333-595 Summary

Tecmessa hears Ajax asking, “Why me?” and calling for his son (56). He enters and begs the Chorus to kill him. Tecmessa and the Chorus urge him to come to his senses, leave the past behind, and not multiply the evil. Ajax wishes he could kill Odysseus and the sons of Atreus (Agamemnon and Menelaus) so that he “could finally die” (57). Tecmessa tells him that she could not live without him, but he seems not to notice.

Ajax says that he intended to kill his enemies but was deceived and tormented by Athena. Now the Greek army wants him dead, and he cannot return home to his father “having earned nothing” (59). Since dying on the battlefield would only bring more honor to the sons of Atreus, Ajax refuses to do that, but he must find some way to prove to his father that he is “not a coward” who craves a long life of dishonor (60). The Chorus asks him to let them change his mind.

Tecmessa replies that destiny can be harsh: She was once “powerful and wealthy” and is now enslaved by the man who destroyed her country and parents (60). She begs him to think of all those who would suffer if he dies: not only herself, but also her son and his parents. He cannot call himself noble if he does not cherish happy memories and repay kindnesses.

Ajax asks Tecmessa to bring their son, Eurysaces, to him. She had sent him away during Ajax’s rampage, and he commends her for this. He tells Eurysaces that his enemies will now be his son’s. Teucer (Ajax’s brother) will protect the child and bring him back to Ajax’s parents, Telamon and Eriboea, to “be a comfort in their old age” (62). He gives his shield to the boy and orders the rest of his armor be buried with him, then instructs Tecmessa to take the child and not mourn. Tecmessa begs Ajax not to betray her, but he refuses to listen. He says that he owes nothing to the gods. He, Tecmessa, and Eurysaces exit.

Lines 1-595 Analysis

Not knowing when the play was produced and what tragedies were performed alongside it makes it difficult to determine with what specific historical events Sophocles may have been engaging. Generally, though, assuming a production date of 440s BC, this was a period of increasing tension between Athens and Sparta. The neighboring city states had joined forces to repel the Persian invasion in 480, but after this success, Athens’ growing power created increasing conflicts with Sparta that led to war. Ajax’s narrative of Greeks fighting amongst each other resonates with events across the fifth century, when administratively independent Greek-speaking city states were continually fighting skirmishes and full-scale battles against each other.

As with all surviving Athenian tragedies, Ajax would have been performed in a sacred context, at a festival held to honor the gods of the city, and it assumes its audience is familiar with the larger Trojan war narrative. After the death of Achilles (Ajax’s cousin), Ajax and Odysseus participated in competitive games in honor of their fallen comrade. Athena intervened to ensure Odysseus’s victory, and he was awarded the arms of Achilles. Ajax, who was considered the second-best warrior after Achilles, was so distraught by the dishonor that he killed himself. Ajax picks up his story after his dispute with Odysseus and before his suicide. According to ancient and medieval sources, the dispute and suicide are told in the Aethiopis, one of several epics narrating the Trojan war, only two of which have survived mostly complete, those being the Iliad and Odyssey.

To understand the extent of Ajax’s despair, it is helpful to understand the significance of prizes within the world of Trojan war mythology. A warrior’s prizes were the physical manifestations of his achievements, and they signified the regard in which he was held by his comrades. To be stripped of one’s prizes—also a source of conflict in Homer’s Iliad—was to be stripped of respect and honor, and even the warrior’s place in his community. Sophocles amplifies this element of the conflict by attributing the decision to award Achilles’s arms to a jury vote, bringing the world of the Trojan war more in line with governance in the playwright’s city state of Athens. In the play, it is not Athena alone who conspires to reduce Ajax and elevate Odysseus but Ajax’s own peers. Having been so dishonored, it is impossible for Ajax to return home to his father, a decorated warrior himself, who participated in the first sack of Troy with Heracles.

Tecmessa’s report to the Chorus that Ajax is refusing food and drink suggests that his grief and rage could turn destructive, as it eventually has (when he slaughtered the herds that he believed were the Greeks) and will again when he takes his own life. Refusing food and drink and removing oneself from the company of one’s peers is associated with both Achilles (in the Iliad) and Demeter (in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter) prior to their destructive acts. As in both these cases, Ajax illuminates how everyone associated with the hero is affected by his death. As the leader of the Salamnian forces, Ajax is responsible for its warriors, who make up the play’s Chorus. Having destroyed Tecmessa’s previous life and claimed her as his own, Ajax is responsible for protecting her and their son. His brother, Teucer, will also suffer the consequences of his brother’s death, as will Ajax’s parents back home. Everyone is connected; thus, no one remains unaffected. Ajax’s refusal to meet his responsibilities shows how the conflict over Achilles’s arms has isolated and alienated him from his social connections.