63 pages 2 hours read

Hannah Nicole Maehrer

Apprentice to the Villain (Assistant to the Villain, #2)

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2024

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Transformation and Sacrifice

Apprentice to the Villain explores the intricate relationship between transformation and sacrifice as the characters undergo both physical and mental changes. One way this is explored is through Kingsley. Originally the crown prince of the Southern Kingdom, he is transformed into a frog by a curse. His unintentional sacrifice saved Trystan from death, but has resulted in a deeply limited life. Despite his new form, Kingsley never resents Trystan, demonstrating that true friendships can withstand even the most challenging circumstances. His unwavering loyalty and support reinforce the notion that found family can provide the same resilience in the face of adversity as one’s birth family. Kingsley embodies the idea that love and sacrifice often coexist, showing how deep connections can transcend physical transformations and obstacles.

Nura Sage experiences two physical transformations: Her uncontrollable starlight magic turns her into a wishing star, and then Evie and the cave creature restore her to human form. The sacrifice of her transformation is visceral: Turning into a star was painful enough for horrible screams to be recorded on the memory plant. Nevertheless, in her star form, Nura is still profoundly connected to her human identity; the true sacrifice of the transformation was losing her family.

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By Hannah Nicole Maehrer