45 pages 1 hour read

Carlos Fuentes


Fiction | Novella | Adult | Published in 1962

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Summary

In the first chapter we are introduced to the protagonist Felipe Montero, a young historian who teaches part time at a private school for 900 pesos a month. He studied on scholarship at the Sorbonne in Paris, becoming fluent in French, but, has not found a well-paying job upon his return to Mexico.

One morning, while having breakfast at his usual café, Felipe sees an advertisement for a live-in job. It seems to be tailored just for him, as it requires a young historian fluent in colloquial French and offers a very generous salary of 4,000 pesos a month. Even though he feels excited about it, Felipe disregards the ad because he knows there are many other young impoverished historians in his position who will apply for the job. He leaves the café, takes the bus, and goes to work, as usual.

The following day, while having breakfast at the same café, Felipe again sees the advertisement and decides to check it out. There is no telephone number, so he must go in person. The address given is Donceles 815, which is a colonial mansion in the historic city center where almost no one lives.