78 pages 2 hours read

Jennifer Chambliss Bertman

Book Scavenger

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Stability Versus Adventure

Emily is being raised in an unusual way because her parents are adventurers at heart. Their greatest delight comes from exploring new places, so the idea of living in a different state every year is appealing to them. Even Matthew seems to find this lifestyle interesting, but this relentless quest for excitement doesn’t move Emily in the same way. She craves stability and continuity, both of which are entirely lacking in her young life. Aside from the stress of adapting to a new environment annually, Emily has never remained at one school long enough to form a lasting friendship with anyone. As a result, Emily’s social life exists entirely within the context of Book Scavenger, as she seeks to create a source of continuity for herself. The Crane family seems oblivious to the psychological toll their nomadic lifestyle is taking on their youngest member.

James’s family offers a striking contrast since they have an abundance of the stability that Emily wants. She recognizes the difference the first time she sets foot in the Lee apartment:

Emily tried to imagine that—year after year in one house, one neighborhood, one school, with memories that went back for generations. She couldn’t wrap her head around that.