45 pages 1 hour read

Roald Dahl

Danny, the Champion of the World

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1975

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Character Analysis


Nine-year-old Danny is the narrator and protagonist. Even though his mother died when he was four months old, he is a healthy, happy, well-adjusted boy who lives with his father, William, in an old caravan. Danny has grown up with his father in poverty, but they are deeply content with each other’s company, appreciating the simple pleasures in life. Danny is a quick learner, becoming “the best five-year-old mechanic in the world” (15). Under his father’s guidance, Danny makes kites, balloon lanterns, and many other creations with limited supplies. Danny’s idea to use sleeping powder to dope Mr. Hazell’s pheasants highlights his ingenuity, and his bravery and dedication are shown when he rescues his father from the keeper’s pit. Danny overcomes his fear of driving and of the dark woods by focusing on his father and being driven by his love for him. Despite all the praise Danny receives for his ideas and accomplishments, he stays humble and wants nothing more than to spend time with his “marvelous and exciting father” (205), whom he idolizes.