47 pages 1 hour read

Seymour Reit

Guns For General Washington

Nonfiction | Book | Middle Grade | Published in 1990

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Chapters 18-25Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 18 Summary: “A Walk in the Rain”

Paul Junior and Old Toby walk down Beacon Street in Boston in the rain. As they pass by, they notice a company of British soldiers, part of General Howe’s reinforcements, going through a lackluster drill on Boston Common. Paul Junior and Old Toby discuss the state of the British troops, noting their ragged appearance and thin rations. Toby mentions rumors that England is struggling to recruit volunteers for the war, suggesting that the soldiers Howe brought are not the best. He shares the latest dispatch from Henry: The artillery convoy has reached Claverack, roughly halfway to Cambridge. To lift their spirits, Paul asks Toby about the new flag, the “Grand Union” flag. Toby describes it with pride: 13 red and white stripes representing the colonies and a small Union Jack in the corner.

Chapter 19 Summary: “The Runaway”

The convoy faces the challenge of moving heavy cannons up steep inclines without any marked routes, relying instead on an old footpath made by Indigenous Americans. Will leads his team in hauling a 13-pounder cannon up a hill using long ropes looped around trees. As J.P. approaches, offering water to the men, disaster strikes. The rope holding the