57 pages 1 hour read

Ann Napolitano

Hello Beautiful

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2023

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Chapters 14-19Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 14 Summary: “Julia”

When Julia first learns of William’s suicide attempt, she is shocked that she hadn’t known the depths of his struggle. Then, she is angry, not understanding why William wouldn’t have confided in her. That night, Sylvie visits and reassures Julia that she will find out whether William wants to see her. A little over a week later, Sylvie visits with the news that William no longer wants Julia or Alice in his life. Julia feels immense relief at this news. Feeling once more in control of her life, she sets about depositing the money William left her and planning for a divorce.

One afternoon, she receives a call from Professor Cooper, who informs her that he can’t offer her employment since he was offered a six-month project in New York. Julia volunteers to come and work with him there. She feels this is a good opportunity, as the six-month period will allow the gossip and tumult around her and William to die down. Telling her that she was the best assistant he ever had, Professor Cooper agrees to her proposal.

Julia puts off telling her sisters until two weeks before her departure. She ultimately decides to tell one sister and let that sister tell the others.