66 pages 2 hours read

Chloe Walsh

Keeping 13

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2018

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.

Chapters 11-25Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “Homeward Bound: Shannon”

At home, Darren tries to talk to Shannon. However, she confronts him about Joey, whom no one is looking for or cares about. Darren responds that he is 18, and neither he nor the social workers are concerned with him. When he asks Shannon if there is anything she needs, she asks to use his phone to call Johnny, but he refuses.

Chapter 12 Summary: “I’m Alone: Shannon”

The first week that Shannon is home from the hospital, she begins to see the “cracks” forming in their new family arrangement. Her mother is quiet and withdrawn, spending most of her time smoking. No one has seen or heard from Joey; Ollie and Tadhg refuse to listen to Darren, insisting that he find Joey; and Sean won’t speak to anyone. Shannon feels partially bad for Darren but mostly feels “infallible allegiance toward Joey” (85).

Chapter 13 Summary: “Cashing in on Favors: Johnny”

Edel goes to Dublin to take paperwork to her husband, leaving Gibsie to come over and look after Johnny. Having not seen Shannon in a week, Johnny convinces Gibsie to take him to her house despite Gibsie’s resistance.

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By Chloe Walsh