54 pages 1 hour read

Freida McFadden

One by One

Fiction | Novel | YA | Published in 2020

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Important Quotes

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“He clears his throat, which is what he always does when he’s concentrating hard on something. I used to find it cute and endearing. Now I find it irritating.”

(Chapter 1, Page 8)

These details of Claire’s annoyance at Noah illustrate, within mere pages of the novel, the conflict happening within Claire and Noah’s marriage. The use of the gesture of throat-clearing makes Claire’s animosity toward Noah tangible and vivid.

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“But she’s not married. So she gets to do whatever she wants without another person criticizing her every move.”

(Chapter 1, Page 10)

Claire’s perception of marriage is important to her character arc, speaking to the theme of Appearances Versus Reality. At the start of the novel, she resents her marriage with Noah and the strain their relationship puts upon her. Her view of Lindsay’s assumed freedom contrasts with the restrictive existence she feels she endures. Claire’s feelings toward both Noah and Lindsay will undergo huge shifts by the novel’s end.

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“It’s all Emma’s stupid dream. I know it’s ridiculous, but it’s weighing on me. I need to put it out of my head. Before I let it ruin the week.”

(Chapter 2, Page 19)

The motif of Emma’s dream plagues Claire throughout the narrative, hinting at a darker truth lurking beneath the surface. Before they even leave for the trip, Claire senses that something is not as it seems, reflecting the theme of Appearances Versus Reality and foreshadowing the dangers Claire will soon face in the woods.