57 pages 1 hour read

Laurence Yep


Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 1997

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Chapters 11-15Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “Language Lessons”

The next day, Robin finishes school early and decides to spend the afternoon with Grandmother. She introduces Grandmother to American soap operas and shares her favorite flavor of chips—though Grandmother refers to them with a British term, “crisps.” During a commercial break, Grandmother teaches Robin more British and Chinese words. In a show of acceptance, Grandmother reaches out to stroke Robin’s brown hair. 

They talk until Mom, Dad, and Ian return home. At dinner that night, Grandmother jokes that she wants to dye her hair pink. When Mom refuses, Grandmother mutters something in Chinese. Mom is confused until Robin laughingly explains that it’s new slang from Hong Kong. However, both Robin and Grandmother refuse to tell Mom the meaning. 

That Saturday, Robin invites Thomas, Amy, and Leah over to meet Grandmother. To prepare, Robin stocks up on Grandmother’s new favorite chips. Robin’s friends are excited to meet Grandmother, who quickly recognizes them from the recital tape. They turn on the tape again, and Thomas, Amy, and Leah laugh at their performances. When Robin’s solo comes on, she considers turning it off, until Grandmother begs to see it. 

Thomas asks if Grandmother has ever danced. Robin, caught off guard, worries that Grandmother might be embarrassed.