82 pages 2 hours read

Alexandra Diaz

The Only Road

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Character Analysis


Jaime, age 12, is the protagonist of the novel, and the third-person narration closely follows his perspective. Jaime is an artist, toting his sketchbook everywhere and always trying to capture something of what he sees. He realizes his pencils can shape the image on the page, as when he draws the old woman on the bus: He “smoothed out her wrinkles and captured the brightness in her eyes” (61). Jaime’s drawings are meant to remind the reader that we choose how we see the world around us.

Jaime is also the reader’s eyes and accordingly is not a particularly complex character. He is more a representative of the legions of people who, through no fault of their own, are forced to leave their homes and their families in hopes of finding a life elsewhere. Jaime is one of the more fortunate migrants, accompanied by an older cousin and with a brother waiting on the other side. Though his eyes the reader can see the tragedy of the plight of those less fortunate than him.