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Words in the Dust

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Plot Summary

Words in the Dust

Trent Reedy

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2011

Plot Summary

Words in the Dust (2011), a young adult novel by Trent Reedy, is based on events that took place during the United States invasion of Afghanistan in the mid-2000’s. Reedy, who served in the US Army, based the novel on his time in Afghanistan and personal observations.

The main character is Zulaikha, a thirteen-year-old Afghan girl. Born with a cleft lip, Zulaikha faces bullying and teasing from the other children in her village. In addition, her father’s second wife, Malehkah, treats Zulaikha poorly, constantly criticizing her and finding fault in her work. Because of her facial deformities, Zulaikha’s father is worried that she will have a hard time finding a husband. In spite of all this, Zulaikha is relatively happy and good-natured. She loves her family and is especially close to her beautiful older sister, Zeynab.

One day, returning from the market with bread for the family, Zulaikha sees several vehicles transporting American soldiers enter the town. One of the soldiers sees her face and scowls, which frightens Zulaikha. She is used to people reacting poorly to her cleft lip, but she still doesn’t like being noticed by a man carrying a gun.

The Americans decide to build a school for girls in Zulaikha’s town. Her father, Baba, and older brother, Najib, both welders, are hired to work on the school. Though Zulaikha knows that girls are not allowed to attend school, she is still curious about getting an education. Her mother was educated and knew how to read and write, but she died before she was able to teach Zulaikha and Zeynab. Learning to read appeals to Zulaikha, but she keeps that information to herself because she doesn’t think her family would approve.

One day, while running errands for her stepmother, Zulaikha meets Meena, an old friend of her mother’s who used to work as a literature teacher in the capital. Zulaikha asks Meena to teach her. She is excited to begin her lessons but feels conflicted because she knows that she must keep it a secret, even from Zeynab.

Soon after, Najib takes Zulaikha to the worksite with him because the American soldiers have asked to see her. Zulaikha is nervous, but Najib assures her she will be safe as long as she does as she is told. At the site, Zulaikha meets Captain Mindy, an American medical officer. Mindy takes pictures of Zulaikha’s mouth and then, sends her on her way with toys and hair clips.

Mindy gets in touch with Zulaikha’s parents, telling them that she wants to send Zulaikha to the capital so she can have surgery on her face. Zulaikha at first does not believe this is possible; she does not understand why the Americans care what her face looks like. Baba doesn’t know why either, but he tells Zulaikha that he wants to take the chance, and he will arrange for her to take the trip.

Meanwhile, Baba and Najib, having made a great deal of money off the contract for the new school, find more welding jobs in the area. One of these is with a wealthy man in a neighboring city who expresses an interest in Zeynab. Baba arranges for the two to be married, even though Zeynab is still quite young for marriage. She and Zulaikha are concerned but decide that their father has always done what is best for his family and so he must be planning a good marriage.

Zulaikha busies herself helping to prepare for the wedding, but shortly before the marriage, she is told she will have to fly to the capital for her surgery. However, the trip is delayed and eventually, Baba cancels it entirely because he can’t afford to take the time off work. Zulaikha is heartbroken and discouraged but puts on a good face to attend her sister’s wedding.

After Zeynab leaves with her new husband, Najib volunteers to take Zulaikha to the capital so she can have her surgery. They fly to the capital in a military helicopter. Zulaikha’s surgery is a success. When she returns home, everyone celebrates her new appearance. Zeynab comes to visit her. She is happy that Zulaikha has had her surgery, but Zulaikha can tell that she is not happy with her new husband.

Her worst fears are confirmed soon after when Zulaikha hears that Zeynab has had a horrible accident that has resulted in her being burned. Zulaikha goes to visit her in the hospital; Zeynab dies soon after. Baba and the rest of the family are plunged into a deep depression. Zulaikha feels stifled at home, and finally tells Baba of her desire to get an education in the capital. To her surprise, Malehkah stands up for her and encourages her, which upsets Baba.

Zulaikha is touched by her support and realizes that she does not want to leave her family after all. She tells Baba that she would rather go to the school that he built; he tells her that he would be honored to have her get an education there.

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